VR Research We are looking to partner up for research. If you are intersted, please email Vanessa at hi@calmtopia.com Effect of a Mindfulness intervention with virtual reality in adolescents on Attention and working memory A randomised pilot trial of virtual reality-based relaxation for enhancement of perioperative well-being, mood and quality of life From Combat to COVID-19 – Managing the Impact of Trauma Using Virtual Reality. Virtual Reality for Treatment of Functional Chronic Abdominal Pain How Virtual Reality Influenced Emotional Well-being Worldwide During the Covid-19 Pandemics Virtual reality is the latest trend in digital therapeutics A Qualitative Study of Virtual Reality and Mindfulness for Substance Use Disorders Virtual Reality Therapy in Palliative Care: A Case Series Virtual Reality for Enhancement of Emotional Mindset in the First Lockdown of United Kingdom for the Covid-19 Pandemics